In a hole in the ground...


a hobbit hole


"In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit." ... that's how the famous story begins, and here's where my story starts, too.


Hi, my name's David, and over the next couple of years I'm going to be building my own underground house here in the Japanese countryside, inspired by the fantasy home of Bilbo Baggins in J.R.R. Tolkien's book "The Hobbit". Please join me in this DIY adventure and follow along with my regular progress videos!!



Latest Blogs:

Revealing the plan for the hobbit house

It's finally time to give you a tour of the new land, and reveal the plans for the BIG hobbit house project! A huge THANK YOU to Jay for the wonderful music he's composed especially for this video! ...


First job on hobbit-house land... a temporary signboard!

The land's now mine, so I replaced the "for sale" sign with a temporary signboard for Bag End ASO! ...


Personalising a wheelbarrow

Getting tools ready for the start of construction on the hobbit house, so I decided to make the new wheelbarrow a little cuter! ...


My precioussssss...

It's my preciousss..... the land for this hobbit-inspired house build is now officially mine, so this is the first post on the blog!   Here's a pic of me, just looking happy to finally get things started. Many more posts to come soon!   ...
